Everyone in attendance at the annual SFBTA conference will be considered a member of SFBTA until the next annual conference. Individuals may be members even if they do not wish to receive SFBTA-related emails.
Members receive no benefits other than voting for board members at the annual conference and the privilege of saying that they are members.
If someone would like to be considered a member of SFBTA but is unable to attend the conference, they may pay a $25 fee to be listed as a member until the next annual conference. No refunds will be issued, and no one attending the conference will receive a discount if they do not wish to be listed as a member.
The Board consists of ten directors (currently eight directors, two seats vacant), who are elected from the membership at the Members Meeting, held during the annual conference. (Note: This is a relatively new process which started in 2016; Board members from the old guard are rotating off to provide consistency.) Board members serve three-year terms and may be reelected for one additional term but may serve no more than two consecutive terms. Board members are expected to attend 9 of 11 monthly meetings and to attend the annual conference if at all possible. Duties include, but are not limited to, serving on one of the Association’s various committees, approving major expenditures, and responding to any concerns raised by members.
Attend the annual conference (online this year). Join the Membership Meeting and consider nominating yourself or someone else (who is present and gave permission) for a Board position – there are two seats up for election!
The offices of president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer are filled by the Board members and are decided each year at the initial Board meeting. These offices come with duties as follows:
President – serves as chief executive officer of the Association, presides at all Board and Member meetings, appoints committees, approves all expenditures
Vice-president – presides at meetings in the absence of the President, performs all duties of the President in the event they are unable to or refuses to act
Secretary – keeps minutes and records of the Association, consults with Treasurer for reporting to state and federal government for purposes of maintaining non-profit status, keeps record of official correspondence, serves as custodian of records
Treasurer- cares for money accounts, is authorized to sign checks for the Association, maintains responsibility for all funds and securities, receives and gives receipt for monies due and payable, maintains adequate and correct accounts of the Association’s assets, prepares financial statements, provides documents to state and federal government for purposes of maintaining non-profit status
Archives - Johnny Kim
Helps SFBTA serve as a clearinghouse for the archive of SFBT via its website; develops and recommends archive policies to the Board, including policies for access to archived materials and development of materials with potential commercial viability; provides archive materials and consultation to those interested in pursuing research in SFBT per Board-approved policies.
Conference – Vicky Essebag
Plans the annual conference - Works to locate sites for the annual conference, and handles logistics at/during the conference. The Conference Program Committee is a subgroup of the Conference Committee which handles events, workshops, keynotes etc. are featured at the conference. The Conference Committee provides recommendations to the Board that support the Association’s efforts toward ensuring a meaningful, equitable, and accessible conference year to year.
Gathers data from underrepresented groups within the solution-focused community; reviews Association’s existing and future initiatives regarding equity, diversity and inclusion; and provides recommendations to the Board that support the Association’s efforts toward ensuring equitable access to opportunities, benefits, and resources for all of its members.
Monitors and reports income and expenditures, including budgetary implications, monthly; prepare a basic annual financial report addressing the past as well as the upcoming budget for the board to review, approve and implement
Makes recommendations to Board regarding Association’s website; assist with maintaining Association’s internet presence.
Serves as the official research arm of SFBTA; encourage research in SFBT; helps SFBTA serve as a clearinghouse for research in SFBT via its website; provides research materials and consultation to those interested in pursuing research in SFBT; maintains a state-of-the-art Treatment Manual, fidelity instrument, and other appropriate instruments and measures to be used by SFBT researchers; develops guidelines and make recommendations to the board for research awards.